Getting off the station is going to be harder then I thought. Larger ships tend to verify backgrounds, and have the resources to do so. Smaller ships don’t need people. However, I may have a way. I meet this guy looking for work. I don’t really need the funds, but it’s a good way to show our skills and maybe get him to “Captain” a ship for exploring exoplanets. I already mentioned this to him, and I get the impression his two friends will go were he goes. The Vesk may even be a good cover. I’ll need to set up some emergency backups in whatever ship we’re on, but that should be easily done. First, let’s finish this job and go from there.

Ash and his brother Rhyn were from the same litter. After the "coming of age" at 15 they got involved in LOP (Liberators of Pulonis) whose goal is to remove the Vesk from their home world. Things went a little too far in the cell they were a part of and they left Pulonis. Both lived at Absalom Station for about 2 years, keeping their distance from each other and any suspected member of LOP.
Started out like every other day…
It started out like every other day on this station. I get up early for my morning meditation. That takes about an hour, then do some stretches and simple exercises. After a hot shower, it’s breakfast and the check the “board” for some work. I do simple computer fixes for people. Nothing major, but enough to pay the bills, live comfortably, and discreetly donate to the Liberators of Pulonis. My brother and I were/are members, but we kinda had to leave Pulonis after that last mission. We’re supposed to be keeping a low profile, but Rhyn tends to be a little hot headed. I was walking around the station, just completed a job, when I saw the Vesk soldier. Maybe it’s nothing, probably just my paranoia kicking in, but something about that Vesk looks familiar. Very familiar. He didn’t see me, I think. If so, he didn’t recognize me. Anyway, that’s enough for me to move on. I contacted Rhyn and told him to pack light and meet me at “The Spot,” our predetermined location, just in case. We’re going to join a crew and get off the station for a while. Like I said, it’s probably nothing, but better safe than sorry. After all, I heard the rumors. Vesk soldiers looking for Liberators to take to Vesk Prime for “trial.” I don’t want anything to do with that.