4 Desnus, 325 AG: Alder System
Systems Check: Green. [1038.6]
Clearance to depart High Station: Granted [1040.3]
Course Calculation Complete. [1041.8]
Engines Engaged. [1043.7]
Departing High Station. [1044.2]
Course Correction to Avoid Trade Vessel Blue Marlin. [1056.3]
Local Starship Traffic Cleared. Full Power to Engines Engaged. [1106.9]
Incoming Contact on Long Range Sensors Detected. [1114.2]
Incoming Contact Identified: Pale Butcher Scout Class.[1 116.1]
Additional Contacts on Long Range Sensors Detected.[1120.5]
Incoming Corpsefleet Detected. Multiple Classes.[1122.1]
Course Correction to Avoid Corpsefleet Armada.[1122.9]
Energy Build up detected on Corpsefleet Dreadnought.[1125.7]
Energy Signature Analysis: Necrotic: Similar to Corpsefleet Energy Weapon encountered
at L746.[1128.2]
Emergency Power to Engines Authorized.[1128.9]
Drift Space Travel Point Calculated.[1130.3]
Long Range Sensors Detect Corpse Fleet Weapon Fired at Alder Prime.[1131.1]
Long Range Sensors Detect Zero Life on Alder Prime.[1133.6]
Engines Disengaged. Redirect Power to Drift Drive Engaged.[1133.1]
Contacts on Intercept Course Detected on Long Range Sensors.[1133.9]
Incoming Contacts Identified: Spectre Class Destroyer, Four Necroglider Class
Transition to Drift Space One Minute.[1134.7]
Redirecting Shield Power to Starboard Shields.[1134.9]
Weapons Fire Detected From Incoming Contacts.[1135.3]
Transition to Drift Space Initiated.[1135.5]
Starboard Shields Depleted.[1135.6]
Multiple Missile Impacts Detected.[1135.6]
Structural Integrity at 42 Percent.[1135.6]
Warning Drift Drive Overload Malfunction Detected.[1135.7]
Power Core Instability Detected.[1135.8]

Update : … Venn to …. found at… coordinates. Identity…confirmed …. Shoot Us. …… Datapads indicate …….Weapon from L746. …. possible ……. activity at Osiris…….
Tour Dates
The ultimate tour dates to be announce for the upcoming concert of Widget and the I-9s. Featuring their hit songs Ultimate Woo, Crazy Woo, and Woo about You.
Announcing the 137th Annual Innovation and Technology Symposium. This year’s guest speaker and honoree is Sir Widget of Akiton. He will be honored for his dedication and advancements in the fields of Innovated Technologies. Book signing engagements to follow.
Logs found on V.I.S. Vengeance, wrecked 25 years ago on Haspis 3
Personal Log: Zrabdek Gunnery Officer 1st Class V.I.S. Vengeance
The Swarms numbers appear to be unlimited. Two systems have been lost in the last month to their attacks. With that many targets though it will provide me with ample opportunity to prove myself to Ozos. She refuses to consider me as a possible mate until I prove my valor and honor in combat. Which I intend to do in the next engagement.
Personal Log: Ozos Chief Engineer, 2nd Officer V.I.S. Vengeance
The Swarm overwhelmed the fleet in our last engagement forcing us to retreat into the Drift. However several Swarm ships pursued us. It was decided to make an emergency drop out of the Drift. The V.I.S. Vengeance has crash landed in a swamp on Haspis 3. The bridge was destroyed in the landing resulting in the loss of both Captain Svozne and 1st officer Knubid leaving me in command.
Personal Log: Ozos Chief Engineer, 2nd Officer V.I.S. Vengeance
Out of the origianl crew of thirty eight only twelve have survived the landing. Captain Svozne, 1st Officer Knubid, Pilot Sydat, Gunnery Officers Zredvot, Zoloz, Zreni, Science Officers Avind, Zrobdek, Engineers Kugan, Gnuzni, Syynok, Soldiers Edivoz, Jebiz, Yziz, Styvdid, Zramerdo, Zarinag, Dmenaz, Srevdolo, Gutavi, Kregvizit, Gyrek, Brubet Jobivosh, and Trobizdak have all been killed. May history remember and honor their service to the Empire.
Personal Log: Ozos Chief Engineer, 2nd Officer V.I.S. Vengeance
Sprocket informs me the shielding on the ship’s power core is cracked, most likely a result of the crash. We have shut it down and sealed the Power Core’s hatch due to the leaking radiation. Evis suggests that we should rig the power core to detonate remotely in the event the Swarm should locate us. I have taken it under advisement for the moment.
Personal Log: Ozos Chief Engineer, 2nd Officer V.I.S. Vengeance
The V.I.S. Vengeance is considered a loss. She won’t fly again. There is still no indication that the Swarm has located us but our position here is unsustainable. The local fauna has begun to move into the area and we have had to fend off several attacks. It has been decided that we shall abandon the Vengeance and head northwest in an attempt to locate and contact the indigenous intelligent population of this planet. We will take the remaining Ripclaws and what equipment we can carry with us. The Armory will be sealed. Sprocket has suggested that we leave the Industrial Welder and batteries in a locked cabinet in case we find the need to return and have to reopen the Armory. I leave this log as a record of the honor and bravery of the survivors of the V.I.S. Vengeance: Ozos, Orond, Zrabdek, Katvosh, Vogoz, Nuveze, Ulash, Evis, Sode, Komagon, Knyvo, and Sprocket.