Spent the last couple of days working on a program for the computer system the others are getting. Of course they come back a mess. When I mentioned a shower they decided to smear some of the gunk on me. It was funny. Now we’re all going out for a few drinks. I keep finding myself distracted by my program. It’s kind of a different way of securing the ship. We’ll have the basic security protocols, but I’m attempting to put in a fail-safe. I give the proper command and the entire system switches to abyssal, and all security protocols are reset. If I do this right the individual(s) trying to take over the ship, or hack the program, will first need to understand the language. I’ve only met two or three people who do. Rhyn knows. I hope the software works. We’ll see what happens. That’s for later. Right now, it’s drinks, stories, and maybe a little adventure. Rhyn is right about one thing. I spend too much time at the computer, and not enough time socializing.
Crew Personal Logs
- Looking for Clues 5 Abadius, 325 AG
- The Final Countdown 9 Kuthona, 324 AG
- End of the Line 8 Kuthona, 324 AG
- Centipede 24 Neth, 324 AG
- I cry wolf 10 Neth, 324 AG
- Hungry Like the Wolf 27 Lamashan, 324 AG
- Run for cover Don’t shoot, shoot 13 Lamashan, 324 AG