If you are adding a character at a higher level than one, use a pdf sheet from the PCs section of this site. You can use the rules here to get caught up: Leveling Up – Rules – AoN, and please make the character make sense for whatever is already happening in the current mission.
If you are starting at level one, you can (if you prefer) use the fill in form here: https://absalomstation.info/tools/pointbuy — it will help you get the race, theme, and class points, plus your 10 point-buy points, in the right places. You probably don’t need it, but it’s there and pretty helpful.
At the bottom, put in a character name, then click “get link.”
The word “Export” will appear at the bottom of the page. Click on that to save it to your computer/phone/tablet.
Then, click the link as instructed, here: https://absalomstation.info/static/charsheet.html and open up the file you saved to your device by clicking “browse” and finding a file that is your-character-name.json
Load that and finish filling in your character info. When you are done, go back up to the top and click “Save.” and save the updated your-character-name.json to your device. Then, please email it to us (or wait for uploading instructions). If you find a fillable PDF character sheet you prefer, feel free to use it (and share it with us), but please try to go through this one for now– it’s got all the race/character/theme stuff loaded from the Absalom point-buy script.
Oh, and before you save that last time, click all those little + and = buttons on each section– your character will thank you. You may also want to add in the “3” for class bonuses on class skills you take a rank in, as it doesn’t always manage that.