We went back to Level 21 and got the lady, who calls herself Felicia. We take a very long time sneaking through maintenance tunnels and climbing up ladders to get her to the Astral Queen without being seen. It didn’t matter– the bad guys were waiting at the ship! They snuck up on that cat guy, we guess, because he won’t answer Lexx with his psycho-summons thingy. So, we shoot our way through five guys in Station maintenance clothes and get in the ship just as alarms start to blare. We find Ash sleeping in a box near an airlock, so Widget gets to be engineer while I’m stuck being pilot. I don’t mind the piloting part though, because Lexx stays with me and Sresaka gets ready to shoot our way out of orbit. Felicia offers to be Science Officer, so we have a full complement, even if one of us is sleeping on the job. We manage to get off Absalom Station, but a small ship detaches after we leave and starts to shoot at us!
Crew Personal Logs
- It’s a trap! 2 Pharast, 325 AG
- Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? 16 Calistril, 325 AG
- You and that stupid rat dream. 2 Calistril, 325 AG
- Looking for Clues 5 Abadius, 325 AG
- The Final Countdown 9 Kuthona, 324 AG
- End of the Line 8 Kuthona, 324 AG
- Centipede 24 Neth, 324 AG