So, we split up the crew again. Ash and Sresaka are still at the lab, looking for nanite serial numbers. Lexx, Widget, and I went to another diplomatic party, Brenneri included, that should have been safe. Robots were even serving: M72 and M54. I was admiring the retro design on M54, but when I got closer, I could tell something was very wrong. With apologies to all robots at the affair, I flipped open a hatch on M54: bomb. Or really, extra circuitry and wired to backfeed. I had to defuse that with just a few tools, as I was in my glamorous, formal overalls. I am happy to say that the room cleared quickly and in a very organized way.
Oh, and we had Widget go through twelve hours of video amd logs: the tampering to M54 occurred at the same time as the known doppelganger’s activity.
I miss our ship and bots! For some reason, our bots seem to be getting smarter, with big personalities, so it was strange talking to the M-series they have here.