So, I’m completely over any desire to visit this planet! We couldn’t find any ground firm enough to land on near the wreck, so Ash decided to climb off a rope onto some trees while the ship (well, Brock) attempted to hover. The trees had other ideas, and tentacles (vines?), so he threw himself past the trees to the ground. Looks to be a nearly 80′ drop. Regular atmosphere, gravity, and hey, there was some firm ground! Ash did eventually stand up, in time to be attacked by the largest centipedes I ever saw. But by then, we had burnt down the vines, and the trees, so we were able to get close enough to the ground for him to get back on the rope and hauled up.
Anyway. We found the wreck! And it looks to be in pretty bad shape. It’s partially submerged in the moors, the hull is pitted, but it looks like the engine is still above the waterline. And it has its own giant centipedes circling it. Did I ever mention how much I hate bugs? Not Shirren, or at least not Mez’chef, but the ones that try to bite that are waaaaay bigger than bugs should be. Don’t like them.