L476 is uninhabited. We checked all but one building, finding a few tablets with drained batteries. In fact, other than all the lightning hitting the pyramid, didn’t have a single battery, door, vehicle, or anything that worked. Widget said he wasn’t feeling too well and mashed his way into my coveralls, and Brock reported that Please Don’t Shoot Us was losing power and twice the normal rate it can accommodate. We had a few hours at most, so quickly went from building to building, being sure to check in with the ship often. We found plenty of rooms– some barricaded from the inside (but empty of people) and some just vacant. The weapon must not have been to blame, as there was still food and wilting plants inside the main building. We collected datapads and a hard drive or two as we went, but before we could check the last building, we were called back to the ship so we could leave while it was still possible. Widget said he felt a lot better when we were off the planet. We left just in time too, as that stupid corpse fleet ship was heading towards the planet as we went into Drift space. I hope they get stuck there!
As we read over some of the datapads (after recharging them on the ship), we learned that things weren’t going too badly for the expedition, until some idiots drilled a hole in the pyramid two weeks ago. We spend soooo much time in Drift space, but in this case, I’m kinda glad it took us so long to get there.
The trip to Absalom Station was super fast! And the Stewards, with my favorite, Deputy Venn, showed up when we were barely off the ship, heard our tale, and decided we must act quickly. We’re joining a fleet of steward ships (is that three, maybe?) and will be in Drift space again for three weeks. Luckily, this ship is in very good shape, and we were able to get resupplied in less time than it takes Widget to choose cake toppings. I hope we can outmatch the Barrow ship. Well, we can, but I hope they don’t have more ships waiting nearby!