And even more things are happening! Widget, along with anyone else watching chunks of security camera footage from the night before, saw that Tabaei Vari, the head of the planetside station, was seen messing with something on the docks the night before, and eventually had disappeared in a warehouse near the location of the shuttle explosion. We split the crew up, so Ash and Sresaka could keep investigating what we’d found prior, as Lexx, Widget, and I called Derrik Mason up at the station above that we had a problem. Tabaei was at the dinner with us at the time he was seen at the docks. We got permission and a security detail to let us into his Tabaei’s private quarters while Derrik kept him busy elsewhere. No dead victims, nothing. So, if he had a doppelganger, it hadn’t taken over. Probably. It seems more likely that the real Tabaei was at the dinner and not skulking around.
We need to make a timeline and figure out if the Ash doppelganger is definitely a separate creature, or if it is actively switching what it looks like depending on what it wants us to be seeing. Or not seeing. Argh! I’m an engineer, not a detective!