So, we load up the oddly blank computer system for the PDSU and head for the coordinates I-9 has provided for us. The system is considered “unexplored.” It certainly isn’t “unexploded.” We have to keep navigating around gravity wells (we really miss Brock!) and asteroids. There are also pockets of space/time– a solar system has been destroyed.
Suddenly, we pick up a power source ahead and a small vessel bears down on us, clipping our ship. It dissappear immediately.
We soon come to another object– it is a Dwarven mining vessel. We can see it’s a rock jumper built by the Ulrikka clan holdings (Dwarven consortium from the Pack Worlds). And then there is a large power source ahead. We opt to check it out and find a Dwarven mining station.
As soon as we are in orbit, we notice a few things. Dwarven mining vessels, of course. But also, we see two other ships: the bounty hunter’s vessel Servitor, and beside it, the PDSU. No life signs on either.
And then suddenly, as I see something forming from a wall in engineering, I hear yelling from the bridge and weapon discharges. The ripple on the wall of engineering is starting to look like a creature. I shoot it, and it is absorbed back into the wall. It kinda looked like me….