So many things happening! We went through the entire asteroid, I think! Every room told more of the story. It’s called Osiris Station, and it’s a stopping point on the way to L476. No idea where that is! We found some good stuff that won’t be needed by the station personnel, and between the sad piles of dust and data pads, we learned that the crew of Osiris was working on Project Orcus, which was based on some ancient ship tech they didn’t really understand. The weapons from that ship did “necrotic damage” (I’d say it did a bit more than that) and they attempted to reverse engineer it to use in a smaller weapon. In addition to dustifying lunch for everyone on Osiris, it would also reanimate corpses. Ewww. There were also some comm logs between the crew’s Captain Anderson (now Captain Dust) and an Elizabeth Lake, discussing a “death cannon.” And a structure they could not open. They were going to try adamantine drills. I wonder if that was what we were delivering?
We all decide it was time to leave. As we boarded the Rambler, I-9 included, Brock let us know that there is huge freighter (Barrow Catacomb!) with no life signs thirty minutes from our position on a course that will bring them right to the asteroid. Eoxians. I don’t trust most of them, and judging by them scanning us and correcting course, I don’t think we’re about to make new friends.
I’ll also have to explain to Brock that he can warn us about our possible impending doom sooner than when we board the Rambler.
I have to figure out a way to tune out the tech critters “chatting” in my head all the time. We’re in a dire emergency, and I can here Widget and I-9 discussing cake bullets and dressage.