So, a couple things happened at once. Not my fault! We were reading something at the farthest range of our sensors as we escorted the AbidarCorp’s Resolute freighter Corona through Drift Space on a 6.5 day trip to the Vakpod system, when we experienced a drop in power. After Sresaka found the problem, but could not easily squeeze into the area, Widget and I headed down to the maintenance tunnels to see what was going on, and found boric acid dripping onto the power conduit. That’s bad, and I didn’t have time to do more than fix it before we felt something jar the entire ship. Half of the forward shielding was down. I spent the next few minutes fixing that.
Turns out, Ash decided to chase after that thing on the edge of our sensors. That thing was a ship with no life signs, so possibly it is a Corpse Fleet small explorer. I think Ash wanted to ram the darned thing (I heard him saying we could just scrape along their hull with our shields), and Brock must have convinced him not to. However, we did end up in combat with it briefly, and thankfully Sresaka is already quite adept with our new weapons system. Soon, the other ship left our sensor range again. We’ve since caught up to the Corona.
I need to find out how boric acid ended up on power conduit.