The night went well enough, but we could not rouse the Brenneri this morning. They looked sick and felt feverish. Sresaka and Ash rushed them off to the downport infirmary, while Lexx, Widget, and I stood in as ambassadors for the day.
We were to go vist the seli kelp beds. I checked over our diving suits and off we went! One of the vesk diplomats started to have trouble breathing and began to panic, so we returned to the submersible we’d taken down to the ocean floor and made a hasty return to the downport. He was rushed off for medical aid. I examined his suit and determined that boric acid had eaten through his oxygen hose inside the suit. And then I couldn’t help but compare it to the incident on our ship where I had to repair some wiring that had the same boric acid damage on our most recent trip. We also learned that whatever posioned the Brenerri was something we all injested, but tailored to only make Brenerri sick.
Before we could discuss a plan of action, we heard (and felt) a massive explosion….