We started out the day meeting with Derp in Little Akiton, asking about those bonds we found, as the Triaxian company Vitaritech, who owns the old Triaxian company, is on Akiton. I don’t know if we will have time to pursue this, even though our ship will be out of commission for at least another week. Lexx decided to check with Amber at the Starfinder Society headquarters, only to have her assault him with a hug and say that she was told we were dead (the rest of us did not get hugs).
Apparently, a ship came through this station, telling authorities (and no doubt anyone in the various pubs he visited) that he saw the wreck of the Please Don’t Shoot Us floating abandoned and destroy in the Drift.
Then we found out why we were unable to meet with Venn. He took a ship into the Drift to search for us, or at least confirm the destruction of our ship. He was supposed to check in around the time we returned to the station. He needs our help, and we have no ship!
We talked to Venn’s boss Staff Agent Brubet, who immediately got the crew of the Arbitor on board (no pun intended) with a rescue of our would-be rescuer. We met, decided we’d suit, and combined crews for the journey to the area that supposedly contains our wreckage. It will be nearly six days by the time we can get there.