Lexx figured, since we really seem to have stopped (or ran out of) attack drones, that we should probably finish checking the rest of the station before a space walk. I have to confess, I should be wondering if Brock is stuck somewhere without his holographic projector or a robot body. Maybe he’s on the other PDSU we saw on the way in.
We haven’t found him so far. We have found healing serums, tons of UPBs, and ore. Oh, and a portion of engineering rigged with explosives if we tamper. And we keep finding dead people in medical bays. I’ve lost count. We found a “body” shaped like a medium humanoid made of organic material like the dead doppelgangers on Vakpod. This one didn’t have nanites in it. Or at least, I hope it doesn’t, as I see Ash and Sresaka removed its head and placed it on the end of a doshko. I think they named it.