So, while we hear clunking and ominous sounds coming down a hall, Ash is investigating some tech in another room and we learn where (we thought) the missing members of the Orca are (that would be a skittermander, a kathasas, a lashunta, and a human engineer; all male). Not dead exactly, but suspended in liquid-filled tubes. I never got a good look, as we were suddenly fighting an orb-shaped robot, clearly attempting to defend whatever this place has become. We take it down, but then hear three more heading towards us. I convince one of the three hallway doors to close, and it’s at least a little easier to take the robots on one at a time. (Widget wants me to add that he took out the last one by himself.) That was exhausting. Then we get to see what Ash has been doing. Good news and bad news. He accidentally killed the lashunta trying to figure out how to get him out of the tube. Good news is, that it has underdeveloped organs– just a clone. Wasn’t sure how we were going to manage with all these extra crews on the wrong side of the galaxy anyway….
Crew Personal Logs
- You and that stupid rat dream. 2 Calistril, 325 AG
- Looking for Clues 5 Abadius, 325 AG
- The Final Countdown 9 Kuthona, 324 AG
- End of the Line 8 Kuthona, 324 AG
- Centipede 24 Neth, 324 AG
- I cry wolf 10 Neth, 324 AG
- Hungry Like the Wolf 27 Lamashan, 324 AG