Since the enemy isn’t here at the moment, we are all doing our best to cope with its inevitable return. Lexx is off keeping up-to-date with those in charge here and on the space station above. Sresaka is getting lots of sharp objects from somewhere, and borrowed my industrial welder to attach them to mop handles and any other objects with reach. Ash and I are doing science stuff (with Widget constantly reminding me that he has been “patenting” everything we come up with). So far today, we’ve built a device that can catch the 15 terahertz jamming to station cameras if the doppelganger is changing form in range. We’ve narrowed down just how close the creature needs to be to a camera to cause it to turn the signal to snow.
We realize this is all the doings of those nanites, but I was worried that we didn’t have enough to test to see if we can subject them to what we want them to do, or at least stop them from shape-changing. Returning to the med bay, I attached the new signal jammer to my rig and asked it to tell the scattered nanites in the petri dish goo to wake up, turning the jammer on and off as needed. It, ah, worked. Within seconds, there was a pale green finger sitting where the goo had been. I am certain that the shade would match Lexx’s skin tone. While I’m sure there are boundless applications for this stuff, I am making sure we can tell the nanites to “sleep” if the doppelganger comes back.
And then Aida woke up.