Well, we finally got to go into the Aries facility. It was supposed to have a staff of at least six people, but we couldn’t find a single one! I got the power restored, and even though Ash managed to erase all the security footage (suspicious!), the sensors had picked up Eoxian fighters before they went down. There were lots of laser blast marks on the walls, but we didn’t find any blood or bodies. We did find a necroglider buried past the cockpit in the dirt near the compound, but we couldn’t dig through to see if the pilot was inside! I was sure it was Veritech. Sadly, I bet Widget 10 credits (I don’t know where he got the money for his end of the bet). He’ll waste it on stuff a drone can’t really use, like cake. Poor thing.
So, we took the stuff, and people, we were shipping back to Khefak Depot. The elf guy kindly gave us half the credits we would have earned for a successful mission, so there’s that.
Oh, and we weren’t even able to go back and have another look at the necroglider– either we left the lights on at the facility, or it’s already restaffed, but we were warned away. I’m sure the glider is gone by now, regardless.